75 Hard Book Recommendations That Will Change Your Life

75 Hard Book Recommendations That Will Change Your Life

One of the rules in the 75 Hard Challenge is to read ten pages of a self-development book each day during the 75-day challenge. Technically, non-fiction can count in the 75 Soft Challenge, but I recommend reading a self-development book that will better you mentally if you take on a challenge like this. Because whether it’s…

75 Soft Challenge: A More Forgiving Version of 75 Hard

75 Soft Challenge: A More Forgiving Version of 75 Hard

Over the last 12 months, I’ve started hearing more about the 75 Hard Challenge from random fitness influencers, friends, and even the people I’ve dated! But I learned about 75 Soft Challenge (75 Hard’s friendlier and more forgiving relative) through TikTok. Doing the 75 soft challenge would be a great way to ease into 75 Hard because…

What Activities Burn The Most Calories? 5 Sports That Will Keep You Fit

What Activities Burn The Most Calories? 5 Sports That Will Keep You Fit

I tell my clients and in my free programs to create a fitness routine that YOU LOVE And regardless of your fitness goal, it shouldn’t just come down to lifting weights in the gym and calling it a day Picking up an activity can be very therapeutic. Especially if you’re going through a rough time…

How to Gain Muscle for Skinny Guys | What You Need to Know Right Now

How to Gain Muscle for Skinny Guys | What You Need to Know Right Now

Muscle building for skinny guys is a mindset of its own. It truly takes TIME to build rock-hard solid gains, ladies and gents! And it’s easy to feel discouraged when you have been putting in hard work in the gym but see no actual difference in your physical appearance. I consider this a longer journey…