About Mindset Physique | Greg Stutson

Greg Stutson Certifications

2013-2018: In college, I was in a fraternity, and although I made some of the best memories of my life, my lifestyle habits were poor. #YOLO.

2019: I worked a toxic job that I hated with a passion and was under terrible leadership, but I didn’t have the balls to quit and do something better with my life. This is also where I learned my bachelor’s degree in marketing was not the career I wanted to pursue. All of these struggles held me back from wanting to get into shape, so I put it off until 2020.

2020: Right before COVID-19, I re-started my weightlifting journey. Once COVID-19 happened in March 2020, I still had the same toxic job but fortunately got to work from home. Working remotely gave me more flexibility to prioritize my health and fitness goals. I decided to slice off the freshman 15lbs from college. I got to 9% body fat and was still eating the foods I loved and having social events with my friends (when lockdown eased up) because I counted macros, which gave me more flexibility to enjoy life and reach my physique goals. 

2021: When I started my muscle-building journey, the real work began. I was dating someone very toxic at the time who broke up with me after the 1st week of moving into my new apartment where I lived alone. It was technically my 1st heartbreak, and I still had this toxic job that was starting to become even more toxic.

Throughout this time, I learned how to pivot through these emotional and challenging moments and persevere through my muscle-building journey. This is especially hard to do when you need to eat a lot of food to gain muscle. Taking it day by day, and with time, things healed. At the start of 2022, I finally left my toxic job and quit corporate for good to start Mindset Physique and help YOU reach your fitness goals.

2022: At the beginning of 2022, I left that job for good, and seven days later, I started Show Up Fitness’s internship for personal trainers. I didn’t have another job lined up, but I had 5 paying ‘friend clients’ during this time. I learned more in 2 months than textbook certification could offer. Once the personal training internship ended, I had the opportunity to keep training clients for the gym (their clients + my own). I also started coaching at F45 part-time to gain more exposure to human movement and expand my network with other coaches and members.

2023: I spent a month soul-searching in Europe (I didn’t discover anything but had a great time). However, when I returned, I realized how much I still cared about marketing but in the health and fitness niche. I created this blog with my marketing and personal training experience to create this website.

This is why mindset plays a significant role in your fitness journey. You must learn how to pivot through the difficult times.

My Mission for Mindset Physique

My Mission is to help career-driven gay men achieve the physique of their dreams while keeping their mindset in check.

Mindset is a highly underrated aspect of the fitness journey, especially for LGBTQ members in general.

You can find more mindset-focused content here:

Note: If you know any LGBTQI+ member struggling with mental health, you can find more resources here. Please don’t be a bystander.

As a gay man myself, I know how important it is for gay men looking to grow their glutes. I specialize in hypertrophy and strength, specifically for glutes and quads. However, you’ll find content on my blog covering all muscle groups in the strength training realm.

You can find more strength training content here.

You can find more leg-focused content here.

Furthermore, I started getting into fit apparel as a gay man and a bodybuilder (in the making). So I started buying different clothes, from shorts to baggy sweats, knee sleeves, oversized t-shirts, etc., to test out products and review the best-fit apparel in the game for gay men, and straight men too!

You can find more fit apparel review content here:

About Greg Stutson

My Experience | Certifications


I spent two months in a personal training internship in West Hollywood, CA. In this internship, I gained hands-on learning experience training clients, designing specific workout programs, learning anatomy, and networking with Registered Dietitians (RDs), Physical Therapists, and Personal Trainers in the industry. At the end of this program, I obtained my Show Up Fitness coach certification (SUF-CPT). I value my knowledge and education because of this internship. I still stay involved in the internship community, continuing my education and networking to GIVE BACK to this website and its readers.


In addition to my schooling, I also obtained my NASM-CPT within the same year.

What’s Next?

I have some very exciting things planned for the next two years of my life as I leave my 20s and enter my thriving 30s.

2024 + Bodybuilding

Where am I right now, you may be asking? If I’m not training clients, I’m working on this site and producing more content around strength training, fit apparel, and mindset.

In the summer of 2024, I will be competing in my first Bodybuilding Show, Men’s Physique. Prep will probably start around the first week of April, and I’m excited to share my experience with you here on this blog. I hope to help educate anyone looking to compete in their first show through the experiences I will share here and on YouTube.

2025 + more Certifications

Starting at the beginning of 2025, in addition to traveling to more Eastern Asia countries, I plan to study and obtain my CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) certification.

This education will also help me give more back to Mindset Physique and its readers regarding strength training and athleticism.

Fitness professionals are always evolving in their given field. Keep checking back on this site for more content and updated content on previous posts!

This is my corner of the internet to share with you and help you grow to become the best version of yourself through my own experiences.